Friday, October 12, 2012


This week was full of surprises and funny stories to tell. I might say I keep enjoying this crazy business and laugh at those weird and insane things actors and models have to do in castings or jobs. So in my next few posts I ll be telling more stories.

I'll start with the baby story. Ok I was in this casting for a sunglasses brand and there was this young mother with her two year baby, she wanted to get into the casting and leave for some minutes the baby on the stroller, but she couldn't cause the baby started crying like crazy, and I "the good Samaritan" felt so bad seeing that the mother couldn't get into the casting, so I told her that I could keep the baby in my arms until she is back. That's when the adventure started.The baby started crying as if the world was ending, I didn't now how to keep the baby silent so I started doing all the funny gestures that my face muscles could do, and suddenly the big surprise came ....the baby started to vomit on my dress as if this tiny little thing ate a Big Mac.....sorry that's gross, but I have to be graphic so you can imagine all the situation. The worst of all is that I had to get in to the casting after the mother. I had to go back to my house take a shower and get back to the casting.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


It's been so long that I don't write and today while I was thinking what would be interesting to write about, this constant pain on the back of my feet started and became more intense, that's why I decided to write about CRAMPS.This is a special post for people that really suffers from cramps like I do!. Yeahhh it gets really bad specially when I had a  rough day, or I spent so many hours on hills .When I get home it's a  nightmare. That's why I wanted to give you my tips for crams that really helped me. Most of the people now that the potasium is the best for crams, so eat bananas!. I do eat one in the morning and one at night. Drink six to eight glasses of water daily to help prevent dehydration,which may play a role in the cramping.
And when I am screaming with pain I put my feet on the buthtub with really hot watter, that really makes the pain go away and with a soft foot massage and streching a little bit those leg muscles you can finally say....GOODBYE CRAMPS!!!